Victims of Property Crime
Property Crime Compensation Fund

Each year in Johnson County, thousands of people become victims of property crime. In many circumstances, victims do not have the financial resources to replace or repair their property. Often, the property damaged or stolen is vital to their welfare or their livelihood.
The Johnson County Crime Victims Compensation Fund has been established to assist those victims with no other available resources when an immediate need is recognized.
The Johnson County District Attorney's Office is committed to protecting its citizens. We are also committed to supporting and assisting crime victims.
Through the Property Crime Compensation Fund, victims who have been without financial resources now may qualify for some assistance. It is our hope that this fund will help to further assist victims of crime.
The Johnson County Property Crime Compensation Fund is an emergency based fund which can assist victims of property crime in Johnson County. When your application is received it is reviewed by the coordinator of this fund and then reviewed by the board of directors of this fund. The board of directors determines whether an application is approved for assistance, without consideration for race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and age.
If a criminal case is filed against the perpetrator of the crime, you will receive information from the Office of the District Attorney and forms to complete. The green application for assistance from the Johnson County Property Crime Compensation Fund does NOT in any way take the place of the application for restitution and/or the victim impact statement. Those forms should be completed and returned to the Victim Assistance Unit in the District Attorney's Office.
If your application to the Johnson County Property Crime Compensation Fund is denied it does NOT mean that restitution in your case will not be considered and/ or ordered upon conviction and sentencing of the defendant(s).
There does not have to be a criminal case filed in order for the criteria to be met. If you have further questions, please call 913-715-3028.
The basic Criteria for Assistance are as follows:
- There must not be any other means to pay for the repair/replacement of the property.
- Danger, injury, illness or loss of livelihood, as a direct result of the property loss/damage, must be an immediate concern.
- This does NOT include wage lost to obtain estimates or repairs but includes tools necessary and depended upon to generate income from a self-owned business.
- The property loss/damage must be documented with an attached estimate for repair or receipt for repair.
- You must report the crime to the appropriate police department within 72 hours of the crime.
- You must apply to the Johnson County Property Crime Compensation Fund within 60 days of the crime.
- The crime must occur in Johnson County.