Three Commissioners, Sheriff and District Attorney take oath of office

Elected officials at the 2025 swearing in ceremony

Left to right: Commissioner Julie Brewer, Commissioner Jeff Myers, District Attorney Steve Howe, Sheriff Byron Roberson and Commissioner Shirley Allebrand

Five elected officials were sworn into office for four-year terms during an inauguration ceremony today, including three Board of County Commissioners members, the District Attorney and the Sheriff.

The Honorable Charles Droege, chief judge of the Tenth Judicial District Court, administered the oath of office.

Mike Kelly, chairman of the BOCC, served as master of ceremonies. He asked the public to support the five elected officials as they face the work ahead.

“It is incredibly important to support your elected officials as they work to advance community interests,” he said. “Whether you voted for them or not, I hope you join me in that call to help support these five incredible men and women as they work to make Johnson County the best place to live in America.”

  • District Attorney Steve Howe was re-elected to his fifth term. He joined the District Attorney’s Office in 1991 as an assistant district attorney after serving in that role in Shawnee County for three years.
  • Byron Roberson, elected to his first term as Johnson County Sheriff, was also sworn in. Roberson brings 30 years of law enforcement experience to the sheriff’s position and most recently was the Chief of Police for Prairie Village, Kansas.  He began at the PVPD in 1995 and was named chief in 2020.
  • Julie Brewer was sworn in as the new county commissioner representing the Third District. She brings more than 30 years of leadership experience in both the nonprofit and for-profit sectors, most recently serving as the executive director of United Community Services of Johnson County until retiring in July 2023.
  • Re-elected county commissioners Jeff Meyers, representing the Second District, and Shirley Allenbrand, representing the Sixth District also took the oath of office. Both are beginning their second terms.

The new Board will meet for its first time at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 16. You can watch a video of the swearing-in ceremony, as well as livestreams of Board of County Commissioner meetings, through the county’s YouTube channel.

Board of County Commissioners
District Attorney
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