Statement from BOCC Chairman Mike Kelly on federal actions
Today Johnson County Board of County Commissioners Chairman Mike Kelly released the following statement:
“Johnson County’s No. 1 priority remains providing essential services to our community. These essential services will continue.
We are working closely with our federal advocates and partners to evaluate impacts to county operations. When there is official action that will impact county operations and funding, we will work to mitigate the impacts.
Critical funding has been properly and lawfully allocated by Congress and obligated to local governments via contracts and agreements. The current administration cannot circumvent the Constitution.
A freeze in funding, even if temporary, could disproportionately impact the most vulnerable members of our community. Johnson County relies on federal funding to support essential services such as public safety, rental assistance for low-income families, support to help our older residents maintain independence and health, nutrition programs for women and children, child care licensing and crucial infrastructure such as public transportation, roads, bridges and airports.
Again, we are working with many partners to advocate for Johnson County’s interests and monitor the impact of the administration’s actions on our community. We remain focused on providing the essential services on which our residents rely."