Budget hearings to take place next week as part of 2025 budget process

On Tuesday, Aug. 20, you will have the opportunity to provide your input on Johnson County Government’s proposed fiscal year 2025 budget.
A public hearing will take place at 6 p.m. in the Hearing Room at the County Administration Building, 111 Cherry St. This pertains to Johnson County’s intent to exceed the revenue neutral rate in all three of its taxing jurisdictions – County District, Library District, and Park and Recreation District.
The hearing requires three separate motions to approve each of the county’s three taxing districts intending to exceed the revenue neutral rate. This step is required before formal adoption of the budget on Thursday, Aug. 29.
The revenue neutral rate is the tax rate that would generate the same property tax revenue collected during the previous tax year, using the current tax year’s total assessed valuation.
The proposed budget includes an estimated mill levy of 24.110 mills, a decrease of 0.250 mills. This is comprised of the County Taxing District at 17.276 mills, Library Taxing District at 3.812 mills, and the Park and Recreation Taxing District at 3.022 mills.
The proposed budget totals $1.83 billion, including $1.366 million in expenditures and $461.7 million in reserves. Also included is the proposed Capital Improvement Program, totaling $381.6 million.
An additional budget hearing will take place for Fire District No. 2 on Thursday, Aug. 22 at 9:30 a.m. during the Board of County Commissioners meeting.
When intending to exceed the revenue neutral rate, the county is also required to mail an estimated tax notice to property owners with information on upcoming public hearings, along with specific property values and taxes.
More than 230,000 property owners will receive notices by mail on or before Aug. 10. The notices are for informational purposes only.
Once adopted by the BOCC, the budget will run from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2025. Learn more about the budget at jocogov.org/budget.