Board of County Commissioners Meeting Recap: Jan. 30, 2025
The Board of County Commissioners met on Thursday, Jan. 30 in the Hearing Room at the Johnson County Administration Building.
Below, you can find a recap of the items discussed during the meeting.
More information, including official minutes, votes, videos, information about how to make public comments and how to request accommodations is available at This recap is not the official record of the BOCC meeting.
BOCC Agenda for Jan. 30, 2025
Approval of two appointments
Approved the appointments of Ramakrishna (Rama) Shetty – Chairman representative to the Johnson County Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coalition through Oct. 31, 2027 and Dennis Monahan – Second District representative to the Tenth Judicial District Nominating Commission through March 1, 2026.
Contract for fencing projects at airports
Authorized a contract with Century Fence Company, for the New Century AirCenter and Johnson County Executive Airport Fencing Project in an amount not to exceed $409,265; and authorized an increase of $235,765 to the Airport Kansas Department of Transportation Fencing Capital Improvement Project bringing the new total project authorization to an amount not to exceed $409,265.
Amending grants purchasing policy
Authorized amending the county’s Grants Purchasing Policy to be in accordance with the Federal Uniform Guidance.
Contract extension for utility locating services
Authorized a contract extension with USIC Locating Services, LLC, for utility locating services within the Consolidated Main Sewer District in an amount not to exceed $265,000 until April 30, 2025.
Contract for wastewater system repairs
Authorized a contract with Insituform Technologies USA, LLC, for Collection System Rehabilitation and Repair with Cured in Place Pipe and Manhole Rehabilitation in an annual amount not to exceed $5 million for a one-year term with the option to renew annually for four additional one-year terms.
Consent Agenda Vote: Passed 7-0.
Manager’s Memo, County Manager Penny Postoak Ferguson
2025 SevenDays® campaign begins March 31
For a second year, Johnson County Government will be designated as a Kindness County for SevenDays®-Make a Ripple Change the World. SevenDays® is a nonprofit organization, based in Johnson County, that promotes kindness and understanding through education and dialogue. The group formed following the 2014 murders of three people in Overland Park. The 2025 campaign runs March 31 – April 4, skips the weekend and continues April 7 and 8. Each day has a different theme that focuses on kindness. We are making plans to participate along with the community and our employees, including hosting a blood drive on March 31. Learn more about the campaign at
Areas leased and opportunities remain at New Century Commerce Center
The New Century Commerce Center is a major industrial development spanning 824 acres. It offers more than 6.5 million square feet of space, including speculative buildings, airport and rail access. The first phase of the New Century Commerce Center is nearly complete, featuring plans for developing buildings ranging from 300,000 to 1.2 million square feet. These developments will serve as a direct revenue source for the airport and will provide significant direct and indirect economic benefits to the residents of Johnson County.
CERI releases Economic Indicators for January 2025
The January 2025 edition of the Economic Indicators for Johnson County has been provided by the County Economic Research Institute. The report indicated the unemployment rate for November 2024 is 3.1%, a 1.1% increase from a year ago; the number of single-family homes sold in November 2024 was 671, compared to 594 in November 2023, a 13% increase; and the total number of single-family building permits issued in November 2024 was 120 compared to 121 in November 2023, a 0.8% decrease. Additionally, the CERI reports total retail sales for Johnson County were $16.69 billion year-to-date, as of October 2024, compared to $16.54 billion through the same period, year-to-date, October 2023, a 1% increase.
Other Reports: Legislative Update
Erin Winn, governmental relations coordinator, presented a legislative update.
Committee of the Whole Agenda for Jan. 30, 2025
During a meeting as a Committee of the Whole, the Board discussed the FY 2026 budget process and calendar.
The Board also received a report on potential Johnson County Transit services during World Cup activities in 2026.
Direction was given to county staff to bring a future item for Board action to accept $2 million in MARC grant funding for an airport pilot transit program. Vote: Passed 7-0.
Items on the Agenda for Feb. 6, 2025
Final flat for Metcalf 211
Application No. E 24-446-FP. Consider a request from Judd Claussen, Phelps Engineering, Inc. applicant, on behalf of EMCH Feed & Elevator Co., landowner, for a final plat for Metcalf 211, Fifth Plat, a two-lot industrial subdivision on 21.8 acres, on property zoned PEC3, Planned Research, Development and Light Industrial Park District at 7325 and 7400 W. 210th St.
Development plan for new building
Resolution No. 011-25. Application Nos. E 24-444-PDP & E 24-445-FDP. Consider a request from David Eskov, applicant, and J&B Properties Midwest, LLC, landowner, for a preliminary and final development plan for a 5,888-square-foot building, on 0.82 acres, on property zoned PEC-3, Planned Light Industrial Park District, on Lot 7, Griffin Industrial Park Phase 2, in Section 08, Township 15, Range 25.
Weight limits for bridge
Resolution No. 003-25. Consider adopting a resolution to establish vehicle weight limits for Metcalf Avenue bridge south of 207th Street in the unincorporated area of Johnson County.
Stop signs at two AirCenter intersections
Resolution No. 008-25. Consider approving the resolution to install all-way stop signs at two intersections in New Century AirCenter.
Agreement to replace bridge
Consider approving an agreement with the City of Overland Park for the replacement of the Pflumm Road bridge over Coffee Creek with County General Reserve, CARS Reserve and Federal Fund Exchange accounts.
Permit for golf driving range
Resolution No. 012-25. Consider Application No. E 24-443-CUP for a conditional use permit for a golf driving range and 4,300-square-foot hitting shed on approximately 43 acres of a 74.57 acre property. Note: Following the Zoning Board meeting, the applicant requested a change to one of the CUP stipulations. This will require the BOCC to remand the application to the Zoning Board for reconsideration.
Permit for sports field lighting
Resolution No. 013-25. Application No. E 24-442-SP. Consider a request from Johnson County Park & Recreation District, applicant and landowner, for a special permit to allow the continued use of the existing sports field lighting on the football fields at the Heritage Park Sports Complex, on property zoned RN1, Residential Neighborhood 1 District, at 16240 Pflumm Road.
Additional funding for Health Services Building project
Consider approving and authorizing an increase of $3,070,000 for the new Health Services Building capital project bringing the new total project authorization in an amount not to exceed $116,524,000.
Resolution to consolidate two fire districts
Resolution No. 2025-1. Sitting as the Governing Body of Fire District No. 2, consider adopting Resolution No. 2025-1, requesting the consolidation of Johnson County Fire District No. 1 and Johnson County Fire District No. 2.
Receipts from fire districts in support of consolidation
Consider acknowledging receipt of Resolution No. 25-0001 from the Governing Board of Fire District No. 1 and Resolution No. 2025-1 from the Governing Board of Fire District No. 2, both requesting the consolidation of Fire District No. 1 and Fire District No. 2.
Creation of new consolidated fire district
Resolution No. 014-25. Consider adoption of Resolution No. 014-25 consolidating Johnson County Fire District No. 1 and Johnson County Fire District No. 2 and creating the Johnson County Consolidated Fire District No. 1.
Items on the Public Building Commission Agenda for Feb. 6, 2025
Contract amendment for new Health Services Building project
Request for Proposal 2024-017. Consider authorizing the Construction Manager as Constructor Guaranteed Maximum Price contract amendment with McCownGordon Construction Company for the new Health Services Building project in an amount of $67,727,663 for a total contract amount not to exceed $67,907,663 per RFP No. 2024-017.
Funding increase for new Health Services Building project
Consider approving and authorizing an increase of $3,070,000 for the new Health Services Building capital project bringing the new total project authorization in an amount not to exceed $116,524,000.