Board of County Commissioners Meeting Recap: Jan. 16, 2025
The Board of County Commissioners met on Thursday, Jan. 16 in the Hearing Room at the Johnson County Administration Building.
The Board proclaimed Jan. 16 as National Religious Freedom Day.
Below, you can find a recap of the items discussed during the meeting.
More information, including official minutes, votes, videos, information about how to make public comments and how to request accommodations is available at This recap is not the official record of the BOCC meeting.
BOCC Agenda for Jan. 16, 2025
MOU on volunteer management
Authorized a Memorandum of Understanding with Johnson County (via DTI) and Johnson County Park & Recreation District for the participation in and funding of Johnson County’s volunteer management solution, Samaritan and authorized the County Manager or their designee to execute future renewals or non-material changes to this MOU.
Contract to complete floodplain modeling project
Authorized a contract with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. to complete the Captain and Kill Creek two-dimensional floodplain modeling project in an amount not to exceed $1,151,989.
Contracts to purchase county vehicles
Authorized term and supply contracts with multiple dealerships in the amount not to exceed $6 million aggregate annually for the purchase of vehicles and police motorcycles for a period of one year with the option to renew for four additional 1-year periods.
Consent Agenda Vote: Passed 7-0.
Acquisition of rights-of-way easements
Adopted Resolution No. 004-25 authorizing the acquisition by condemnation of the rights-of-way and easements necessary for the Black Bob Road Safety Improvement Project between 153rd Terrace and 159th Street.
Motion was made to recess open meeting and meet in executive session to receive legal and staff advice regarding potential litigation against the Public Works Department. Vote: Passed 5-2.
- Yes: Fast, Meyers, Brewer, Ashcraft, Kelly
- No: Hanzlick, Allenbrand
Vote on Resolution: Passed 7-0.
Contract to purchase Microsoft technology
Authorized a contract with Zones, Inc. for the purchase of Microsoft Government Cloud Enterprise Agreement in the amount not to exceed $2,160,715.76 annually for a 3-year agreement with the option to renew for two additional 1-year periods. Vote: Passed 7-0.
Manager’s Memo County Manager Penny Postoak Ferguson
Senior and Disabled Veteran Property Tax Relief Pilot Program begins in 2025
Johnson County’s Senior and Disabled Veteran Property Tax Relief Pilot Program is now accepting applications. The Board of County Commissioners extended the pilot program this year to offer property tax relief up to the county’s portion of property taxes for seniors and disabled veterans who meet income requirements and other qualifications. New this year, there will no longer be a $200 limit on the relief payments. The application window will be open until April 15 of this year. Residents can complete and submit an application form by mail, email or in person. More information about the program, including information on how to apply, is available on the county’s website.
Tax abatement certified for CNANO Technology
CNANO Technology USA, Inc. has provided its annual certification for 2024 pursuant to the performance agreement approved by the Board of County Commissioners in 2023. The agreement established certain criteria for the continued approval of a tax abatement granted by the BOCC for CNANO Technology USA, Inc.’s (KCI NCCC Building A, LLC prior to assignment) acquisition, purchase, construction, installation, furnishing and equipping of project improvements at New Century Commerce Center. The Airport Commission determined that all applicable criteria have been met.
Tax abatement continued for Flora Food Group
Unilever BCS Sourcing US Inc., now doing business as Flora Food Group has provided its annual certification for 2024 pursuant to the performance agreement approved by the BOCC in 2014. The agreement established certain criteria for the continued approval of a tax abatement granted by the BOCC for Flora Food Group’s expansion at New Century AirCenter. The Airport Commission determined that all applicable criteria have been met.
Other Reports
Becky Jones, deputy director of Financial Management & Administration, presented a State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund funding and expense report to the Board.
Audit Reports
The Board also received a Countywide Accounts Receivable Audit from John Halliday, senior auditor, and a Department of Emergency Services Financial and Administrative Transition Audit from Interim County Auditor Michelle Cleveland.
Items on the Agenda for Jan. 23, 2025
Dissolving Wastewater Development Advisory Committee
Resolution No. WD 25-002. Consider dissolving the Wastewater Development Advisory Committee.
Easements to replace bridge
Consider granting the necessary easements to the City of Overland Park in the northeast corner of Johnson County Wastewater’s Douglas L. Smith Middle Basin Wastewater Treatment Facility property located at 10001 College Blvd. to facilitate the replacement of the Indian Creek Bridge on College Boulevard.
Agreement for Olathe MED-ACT co-location at Station 52
Consider authorizing a License Agreement with the City of Olathe for the purpose of MED-ACT co-location at Station 52 (1725 N. Renner Blvd.) and to provide usable space, outlined in Exhibit A, for MED-ACT personnel, ambulance/response vehicles, equipment and supplies for a term of five years with a one-time payment to Olathe in the amount of $174,233 to be effective Feb. 1, 2025; and authorizing the use of budgeted, approved funds in an amount not to exceed $174,233.
Agreement for Olathe MED-ACT co-location at Station 53
Consider authorizing a license agreement with the City of Olathe for the purpose of MED-ACT co-location at Station 53 (14940 W 143rd St.) and to provide usable space, outlined in Exhibit A, for MED-ACT personnel, ambulance/response vehicles, equipment and supplies for term of five years with a one-time payment to Olathe in the amount of $196,697 to be effective Feb. 1, 2025; and authorizing the use of budgeted, approved funds in an amount not to exceed $196,697.
Amending permit for quarry
Resolution No. 010-25. Application No. W 24-436-CUP (LE). Consider a request from Martin Marietta Kansas City, LLC for an amendment to their existing conditional use permit for expansion of mining area and continued operation of the surface rock quarry, known as Sunflower Quarry, including mining, blasting, rock crushing, rock stockpiling, rock sales and concrete plant, located at 34135 W. 95th St., south of 95th Street, west of Kill Creek Road and north of 111th Street.
Contract for the sale of former library
Consider the approval and ratification of a contract for sale between the Board of Directors of the Johnson County Library and the City of Merriam in the appraised amount of $3,930,000, for the former Antioch Library, the Library’s Support Services Building and two additional parcels.