Project SEARCH Information Night
Class of 2025-26
If you or someone you care for has an intellectual or developmental disability and are interested in community employment, this may be the program for you.
Come to our information night on Jan. 16 at 6 p.m. in the Hawthorne Room of the Sheraton Overland Park at the Convention Center (6100 College Blvd) to learn all about program requirements, important dates, deadlines, the application process, opportunities and get questions answered by program instructors.
Please RSVP at
Johnson County Project SEARCH is an education and employment program for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 18 years of age or older, who are interested in community employment. Learn more about Project SEARCH.
During Project SEARCH, interns will spend nine months immersed in a host business site completing three unpaid internship rotations designed to teach them marketable, transferable work skills. The goal of the program is paid employment for each intern, which is defined as a minimum of 16 hours per week in a competitive, integrated setting earning a prevailing wage or higher.
Project SEARCH began in Ohio at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in 1996 and has developed into a successful international program. The state of Kansas began implementing Project SEARCH with its first high school model in 2010. Since then, Project SEARCH sites across the state have averaged a 72% success rate in securing employment for Project SEARCH interns. Johnson County Developmental Supports implemented the first adult model of the Project SEARCH program in Kansas in August of 2014.
Date: January 16, 2025
Time: 6:00 pm