Doing more than ever to help people obtain and maintain a roof over their heads

Supporting our community’s most vulnerable residents has always been at the heart of Johnson County Government. However, the 2023 approval of a two-year Board of County Commissioners priority on affordable housing has spurred major progress in assisting those whose housing is unstable, cost-burdened homeowners and those who find themselves somewhere in between.
That spectrum of those who are unhoused, special populations needing housing support, potential homeowners and people spending a third or more of their income on housing is referred to as the Johnson County Housing Continuum. It was one of several outcomes from a BOCC Housing Subcommittee, which worked with staff and community experts in 2021 and 2022 to develop recommendations
“We’ve made significant progress toward making sure everyone in JoCo has a safe place to sleep each night. We are saving lives and more work is ahead.” said Johnson County BOCC Chairman Mike Kelly.
The year started off with the symbolic turning of dirt on a project that will soon make the dream of homeownership a reality for more than a dozen families. On Jan. 8, 2024, Habitat for Humanity held a ground-breaking ceremony for its “Pathway at Heritage Park” project in Olathe. This 14-home neighborhood located on property held by a community land trust will serve low-income families. Johnson County allocated $950,000 towards infrastructure such as streets, sidewalks and streetlights and allocated $1 million of federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program grant funds for construction of five homes.
Other funding allocations in 2024 went towards innovative pilot programs aimed at preventing homelessness and growing housing options.
Landlord Incentive Pilot Program
Johnson County residents who qualify can receive rental assistance through the federal Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly known as Section 8.) However, the program only works if landlords are willing to accept these vouchers. In 2023, the BOCC voted to fund a pilot program offering landlords financial incentives to rent units to tenants who held these vouchers. Archway Properties KC, located in Lenexa, has participated in this pilot since June 2024. During this time, the company has seen significant benefits for both property management and the tenants they serve.
“The families and tenants we work with have expressed gratitude for this program and have shared how it has allowed them to secure safe, affordable housing that they may not have been able to obtain otherwise,” said Jennifer Leach, property manager for Archway Properties KC. “As a result, many have achieved greater housing stability and, in some cases, improved their financial situations."
In total, the BOCC has allocated $400,000 in financial incentives as well as a $50,000 reimbursement pool for landlords to recoup costs if a tenant were to cause damage. So far, no landlords have requested access to that funding pool.
Eviction Mediation Pilot Program
Another pilot program in collaboration with the Johnson County 10th District Court aims to keep people in their homes by decreasing evictions. Through this pilot, if an eviction claim is filed, the tenant and landlord have the option to work on a solution with a mediator. The agreements reached typically involve a payment plan, allowing people to remain in their rental units and keep an eviction off their records.
So far, the county has allocated $146,000 to pay mediators. An additional $500,000 allocation created a Rental Assistance Program. These added funds incentivized landlords to drop the tenants’ accumulated fees on past-due rent in exchange for receiving a lump-sum payment. With a maximum payout of $3,500 per case, the Johnson County District Court helped 187 tenants.
Additional Progress in 2024
- More than 200 eligible seniors or veterans with a disability received up to $200 to help cover their county property taxes as part of a tax relief pilot program.
- Due to the high likelihood of homelessness or housing instability for former foster youth, a new housing voucher program is assisting eligible young adults ages 18-24 who have aged out of foster care.
- Friends of JCDS purchased its 25th property. These homes provide affordable and accessible housing units for individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability who receive service.
What's Ahead?

In 2024, Johnson County made it closer down the path than ever before toward the vision of a year-round homeless services center that would have provided wraparound services for the people it served to help them access more permanent housing. While that innovative idea did not come to fruition, it sparked more community engagement and conversation than ever before about the need to address the growing problem of homelessness and housing insecurity in Johnson County.
Plans are underway for reallocating $6.35 million in federal one-time COVID funding (part of the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds received by Johnson County) that were previously allocated for a homeless services center. On Nov. 21, the BOCC allocated funding for these five efforts:
- The Salvation Army Family Lodge expansion
- Friends of JCDS new units (20 beds for IDD/Mental Health population)
- Habitat for Humanity of Kansas City land acquisition
- United Community Services of Johnson County homelessness research and data support
- Project 1020 cold weather homeless shelter operating support.
According to federal rules, this federal funding must be spent by Dec. 31, 2026.
“Johnson County recognizes that the causes of housing insecurity and homelessness are complex, and that addressing housing challenges requires an innovative range of solutions,” says Kristy Baughman, executive director of United Community Services of Johnson County. “The policymakers and staff at Johnson County Government have found great success working alongside the community, leveraging one-time federal COVID funding in innovative ways. They are having real, measurable impacts and improving lives for the most vulnerable in our community.”
The best way to stay up to date on Johnson County’s progress towards serving those on the Housing Continuum is by visiting