Johnson County is a community that is thriving both socially and economically. This continued prosperity is strengthened by having reliable and sustainable wastewater networks with the capacity to support the community. Johnson County Wastewater has many active public and privately financed projects that address water quality standards, system growth, and asset rehabilitation and replacement needs.
Please check out the information below to view capital projects or maintenance in your area and around the county.
Disclaimer: JCW provides this site as a public service. The maps below may not be reflective of all JCW and authorized contractor activities in your area. If you have any questions regarding JCW activities, please email us or call 913-715-8500.
Learn more about this work in your area
How to use the map below: Please read the disclaimer. Click "agree" at the bottom right corner if you would like to proceed. Enter your address in the top left address bar to see work orders in your area.
Sign up for Johnson County Government’s notification system, NotifyJoCo, to stay informed about wastewater projects in your area! We also post on NextDoor to notify residents of sanitary sewer cleaning in their area.
Line Cleaning and Repair

Crew members performing line repairs
Johnson County Wastewater is responsible for maintaining more than 2,300 miles of sewer mains. Cleaning the sewer lines ensures a properly functioning system and prevents sewer overflows and basement backups. Repairing the sewer lines helps maintain our infrastructure. Line cleaning, inspection and repair are critical in maintaining our collection system.
Accessing public easements on private property
To perform these duties, crew members often must access a public easement located on private property. Per protocol, employees will knock on the door of the property prior to accessing a backyard.
If crewmembers need to get access to a locked area, they will knock on the door and ask the resident to unlock the gate. When the work is finished, they will notify the resident so the resident can lock the gate back. If the resident is not home in that instance, crewmembers will leave a note so we can coordinate a time to access the property. Additionally, Wastewater employees will always carry official Johnson County Wastewater identification.
If you ever have any questions about line cleaning in your area, or general questions about the work we do at Wastewater, please do not hesitate to call us at 913-715-8500, 8 a.m-5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Public Capital Projects

Nelson Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Project is currently underway
In addition to regular maintenance and repair, Johnson County Wastewater's Engineering Group manages sewer design and construction projects throughout the county. These improvements are being built so that we can continue to provide you, our customers, with reliable sanitary sewer service.
Integrated Plan
JCW is responsible for providing sanitary sewer services for more than 500,000 people in the County. To meet these commitments, JCW must continually manage, maintain and improve a variety of infrastructure assets.
To continue providing the same high level of service, JCW understands that future program improvements need to be prioritized in a way that balances water quality benefit, system growth and asset renewal needs.
In 2019, JCW initiated a system-wide planning effort called Integrated Planning aimed at developing a long-term, prioritized infrastructure investment strategy that addresses wastewater needs and meets US Environmental Protection Agency and Kansas Department of Health and Environment requirements over the next 25 years.
The Phase 1 Integrated Plan (IP) identified approximately $2.1 billion (in 2018 dollars) of projects that need to be implemented to meet these goals. JCW intends to continuously review and update the IP to address the community’s service needs as they evolve over time.
For additional information, visit JCW’s Integrated Plan website.