Educational Resources

Links to educational, interesting and fun information about water and wastewater treatment.  

Environmental Protection Agency, EPA  Comprehensive sections on Wastewater Technology, Wastewater Management and Wastewater Infrastructure

Environmental Systems Research Institute, ERSI  ESRI, a prominent GIS and mapping software manufacturer, provides extensive information for schools

Highline Water District in Seattle, Washington  Fun facts about water

Microbe Zoo  Comm Tech Lab's website by Michigan State University offers exploration of microbes.  A major attraction is Water World which includes bacteria, algae, methane producers, and more.

U.S. Geological Survey's Water Science School  Guide describes what happens at each stage of the treatment process and how pollutants are removed.

Wally Creates a Lego Wastewater Wonderland  A youngster learns the treatment process with classic toys.

Water District of Portland, Maine  Just for Kids page offers Story Time, Coloring Book, Cool Pursuits and Knowledge Quest

Water.Org: Clean Water Means Healthy Kids  Committed to providing clean drinking water to communities in developing countries.