Vape Recycle

Safe Disposal

Did you know that there's a specific way to dispose of vape products and e-cigarettes so that they cause less harm to you and the environment? Learn about the do's and don'ts so that you remain safe.

Recycling vape pens

In late 2019 Johnson County Department of Health and Environment embarked on a partnership with Household Hazardous to address the ever-growing problem of vape disposal and recycling.

Tobacco doesn’t just negatively impact the health of individuals, it also endangers the health of the environment. When e-cigarette and cigarette waste isn’t disposed of properly, it makes its way into the environment where it ends up polluting water, air, and land with toxic chemicals, heavy metals and residual nicotine.

Vaping, still at epidemic levels among youth with about one in five high school students using e-cigarettes in 2020, generates a significant amount of toxic and plastic waste

E-cigarettes, including rechargeable batteries and the cartridges and bottles that contain e-liquids (liquid nicotine mixtures), can pose a threat to human health and to the environment if they are not disposed of properly.

Tobacco use is not only a health issue — it is also an environmental issue.