Commission on Aging & Silver-Haired Legislature
The Commission on Aging is a voluntary group of individuals appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
The commission provides information, guidance, advice and support to the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging and serves as a liaison to the BOCC concerning the needs of older county residents and services to meet those needs.
COA Members

2024 Commission on Aging
Front Row: (L to R) Carol Feaker, Mary Estrada, Ben Harber, Cindy Green, John Smith, and Julia Meyer
Back Row: (L to R) Dan Goodman, Becky Parrott, Andrea Leavitt, Ruth Hopkins, Trinette Waldrup, Commissioner Janee Hanzlick, and Paul Lyons
Not pictured: Cathy Kelly, Rob Givens, and Kansas Representative Liaison Jarrod Ousley
If you would like to obtain information on the commission, attend a meeting or contact board members, please call Administrative Assistant Jill Zink 913-715-8860 or email.
COA Meetings and Minutes
2025 Meetings
COA Update - Upcoming Meetings
Due to the upcoming Winter Weather Warning, the Commission on Aging's monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 12, will now be held virtually via Zoom. If requested by Zoom, the meeting ID is 860 8020 4069 and the passcode to join is 199770.
Please call 913-715-8860 or send an email for meeting information.
Meeting Minutes
Kansas Silver-Haired Legislature

Johnson County SHL representatives serving from 2023-2025 include (left to right) David Wood, Mary Calhoun, Katy Hoffman, Norman Kahn, Mary Penrose and Gary Scott.
The Kansas Silver-Haired Legislature (KSHL) was created by Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1649, which was passed by the 1982 Legislature. It created a unicameral (one-chambered) legislature composed of 125 representatives. KSHL delegates are 60+ years old and are elected from their county of residence. Wyandotte, Johnson, Shawnee, and Sedgwick have five additional representatives bringing their totals to six.
Candidates sought for local Silver-Haired legislators
The legislature provides an educational experience in the political process and an opportunity to identify the priority concerns of Kansas’ older adults. The SHL develops bills and resolutions, which are presented to the Kansas Legislature and the governor as recommendations for state policy. Delegates are being sought for the six-member Johnson County delegation to the KSHL.
If you are interested in being a candidate, you can download an application packet or request an application by calling 913-715-8860. Applications must be received by Friday, Jan. 24, 2025, at the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging, 11811 S. Sunset Drive, Suite 1300, Olathe, KS 66061.
Elections will take place on March 28, 2025. Terms for those elected in March 2025 will be for two years.
Learn more about the 2025 Johnson County SHL Legislative Platform.
2023-2025 Johnson County Silver-Haired Legislature (SHL) Delegation
The following delegates were elected on March 24, 2023 to represent Johnson County in the Kansas Silver Haired Legislature.
- Mary L Calhoun
- Katherine (Katy) Hoffman
- Norman B Kahn, Jr
- Mary Penrose
- Gary R Scott
- David H Wood
On behalf of the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging, we would like to thank all of you willing to volunteer your time in advocating for the needs of older adults in our community.
Kansas Government and Legislative Information

AAA staff and COA members attended Older Kansans Day at the Capitol
Kansas Legislature
Information about legislation, processes, and state senators/representatives. Citizens may reach out to their legislators by email or phone. -
Kansas Legislative Hotline/Government Information
Kansas Legislation Information
Kansas Legislative Research Department
The National Center on Law and Elder Rights provides insight on health, long term services, economic security, consumer protection, housing, advanced care planning, elder abuse prevention, decision-making and guardianship.