Survey focuses on EYO directory

Survey focuses on EYO directory
November 4, 2020
The Johnson County Area Agency on Aging is trying to raise awareness of aging services for local residents.
The AAA is looking for feedback regarding its Aging Services directory, Explore Your Options (EYO). The directory is available online at and in a booklet version. Feel free to review it online or call 913-715- 8861 to request a copy.
Once you access the directory online or receive your copy, AAA requests completion of this brief survey online through the website at the above link or responding to the following questions by mailing in the survey or call 913-715- 8861 to share your answers. Please mail your completed survey by Nov. 20 to:
AAA EYO Survey 11811 S.
Sunset, Suite 1300
Olathe, KS 66061
AAA values your ideas and looks forward to your response.
1. Are you a:
- Client
- Provider
- Caregiver
2. Are you aware that the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging publishes a service directory called “Explore your Options?” (EYO)
- Yes
- No
3. How often do you use the EYO directory to find resources for Aging Services in Johnson County?
- Always
- Most of the Time
- Sometimes
- Never
4. Do you use the EYO online tool or paper directory?
- Online
- Paper
5. How user-friendly is the EYO directory:
- Excellent
- Good
- Fair
- Poor
6. How well organized is the EYO?
- Excellent
- Good
- Fair
- Poor
7. Do you believe the information in EYO is helpful to have now, or could be helpful to you in the future?
- Yes
- No
8. Do you have a better understanding of what resources are available in Johnson County for Aging Services after reading the EYO?
- Yes
- No
9. Is there information you would expect to have in a publication like this that isn’t included:
- Yes
- No
If Yes, what information:
10. What other tools do you use to find resources for Aging Services?