Eugene Lipscomb receives leadership award

Eugene Lipscomb receives leadership award
November 4, 2020
In an outdoor ceremony on Sept. 25, the Johnson County Commission on Aging (COA) presented the Peg Deaton Leadership in Aging Award to Eugene Lipscomb.
The award honors individuals, groups or organizations who make exceptional contributions to enhance the quality of life for older adults and their families in our community.
Lipscomb, Shawnee, received a B.S degree, a Juris Doctorate degree from Howard University and a Master of Laws degree in Urban Affairs from the University of Missouri. He began his career with the Department of Housing and Urban Development in August of 1971 and retired on Dec. 31, 2011 after more than 40 years of distinguished service.
Along with his dedicated career as a public servant, Lipscomb was a member of the Johnson County NAACP and the Blacks in Government serving on various committees. He also assisted in the establishment of the Kansas City, Kansas Sanctuary of Hope.
After retiring in 2011, Johnson County Commissioner Jim Allen asked Lipscomb to join the Commission on Aging. He served on the COA for nine years, assuming leadership roles on the executive and legislative committees.
He and his wife, DeEdra, have both volunteered their time and talents to help better the quality of life for local aging adults.
Former COA Chairperson Karen Weber and current COA Chairperson Pam Shernuk both agree that in his years of dedicated services to the COA, Lipscomb was unwavering in his support and advocacy for aging services.
“It is with great honor that the Johnson County Commission on Aging awards its annual Peg Deaton Leadership in Aging Award for 2020 to Eugene Lipscomb,” Shernuk said.
Photo/Kim Mann Eugene and DeEdra Lipscomb pose with the Peg Denton Leadership in Aging Award.