Summer fun includes day trips, nature walks

The weather is heating up and so are the trips and travel-themed programs for Johnson County Park and Recreation District’s 50 Plus Department.
Virtual programs are a great way to visit local and faraway places without leaving the comfort of your home. Travel-themed virtual programs are free. Registration is required. Join us for these upcoming offerings.
- “Living with Wildlife in Your Garden.” Learn conflict resolution and how to live harmoniously with wildlife. Thursday, May 4.
- “Get Out to Dodge.” Hear all about what Dodge City, Kansas has to offer travelers. Friday, June 16.
Looking to mingle among nature? 50 Plus will host several upcoming nature walks and outings, including:
- Konza Prairie. Tuesday, May 9.
- Blue River Parkway and Minor Park Trail. Wednesday, May 24.
- Ernie Miller Nature Park. Tuesday, June 13.
- Kill Creek Park Trail. Tuesday, June 27.
- Nature Outing: Nature Rx - Birds and Blooms. Thursday, May 25.
May’s Lunch & Learn program at noon Friday, May 5, will feature Hawaii Through an Islander’s Eye with a catered Hawaiian meal and a presentation from a World War II Pearl Harbor bombing survivor and author as she shares her experience as well as Hawaiian culture.
Wanna hit the road with 50 Plus? Join us for these upcoming day trips:
- “Go Wild in Omaha” - Omaha Zoo. Thursday, May 11. $147.
- “Good Ol’ Days Festival” - Fort Scott Historical Festival. Saturday, June 3. $99.
For more information or to register by phone, call 913-831-3359. To enroll online, visit