TimberRidge plans open house

A free open house at the TimberRidge Adventure Center, 12300 Homestead Lane, will take place from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 29.
Activities include canoeing, kayaking, pedal boating, hiking, BB gun shooting and archery. Participants need to be 8 years or older for the BB guns and archery.
Fishing is available. Participants ages 16 and older are required to have Kansas fishing license. Licenses will not be sold on site. Cops n’ Bobbers will be on site with poles and bait available for use or participants can bring their own fishing gear.
Registration is only required for interested parties ages 12 and older who want to climb on the Hawk's Nest Tower. Registration for that event opens April 1. Climbing enrollment is limited to 40 people.
With the exception of this annual event, TimberRidge Adventure Center is available only through programming or rentals, and is not open to the public.
More information is available at jcprd.com.