Johnson County diversion rate hits highest mark in 2020

The Johnson County AAA nursing facility diversion rate for 2020 was 74%. Of those assessed for long-term care options in 2020 (3,421 assessments), older Johnson County residents chose home and community-based service options 74% of the time.
Of those assessed, three out of four people chose to stay home with services over institutional care. This statistic and change in behavior make sense when recognizing the effect of the pandemic. It also stresses the importance of community-based care for older adults and the funding necessary to readily provide these services.
To give you some perspective, we have tracked this number since 2013; our low in 2018 was 58% and our high before this year was 2016 at 66% ... this is a significant change in the behavior of this population. Clearly there is a measurable value for the in-home service options and services we provide through the Johnson County Area Agency on Aging. To learn more about in-home services in Johnson County call 913-715-8861.