JoCo Library resources are available for Book Groups

By Elissa Andre and Patti Combs
Johnson County Library provides a variety of resources to help you learn, explore, enjoy, create and connect through literature.
The Library will offer staff-facilitated Book Groups this fall at 11 of our 14 locations and online via Zoom, with discussions hosted each day of the week except Friday. Book Groups aren’t just for adults, either – the whole family can get involved with options for kids, tweens and teens.
Our fall book club selections were chosen to complement upcoming programming offerings, such as our virtual author talks through Library OnDemand and our annual Writer’s Conference in November.
There are limited spaces left in summer Book Groups; registration for fall discussions will open the first week of August to coordinate with the release of the Fall 2024 Library Guide.
Call the Library at 913-826-4600 or visit and select Book Groups as the event type to get more information and reserve your spot. A limited number of paperback copies are available for participants to borrow for the duration of the Book Group. Additional copies and alternative formats can be reserved through our catalog.
Host a Book Group
The Library recognizes there are many other Johnson County book clubs that could benefit from access to a convenient set of books ready for borrowing. Library staff have taken our stockpile of official Book Group selections and offer these “Book Clubs in a Bag” to external book groups eager to check out and discuss popular titles.
Each easily transportable Book Club Kit has 10 copies of a book in a clear plastic bag with handles and wheels. Kits check out for 30 days and can be found and reserved through the Library’s web catalog by searching “adult book club kits.” The kits are also available to browse and check out at Central Resource Library.
Our Librarians can also help you choose additional book options for your club and offer suggestions to make your group successful. Your club can even meet at the Library by reserving a room through our website, via phone or at your local branch.
Elissa Andre is marketing and communications manager and Patti Combs is communications support clerk at Johnson County Library.