My JCPRD Activities- 50 Plus Edition - July-August 2021

Welcome to the home of printed listings for the 50 Plus Department of the Johnson County Park and Recreation District. Our program listings are also always available at In 2021, 50 Plus is marking its 50th anniversary and invites you to celebrate with us by participating in programs marked with (50!).
Visit or call 913-831-3359 for information and/or to register
Enrichment & Special Interests
Cards: Bidding Review
Lessons on bidding basics of no trump, one of a major suit, one of a minor suit, competitive bidding, and more.
4 - 1 ½ hr. sessions - $40 / $41 nonresidents
9786 MRCC 8/3 Tue 4 pm
Cards: Bridge Workshops
Become an in-demand partner. Fun and easy classes help you master a new subject each week. Purchase each workshop individually or take them all!
1 - 1 ½ hr. session - $10 / $11 nonresidents
9790 MRCC Stayman Convention 7/13 Tue 4 pm
9791 MRCC Jacoby Transfer 7/20 Tue 4 pm
9792 MRCC Slam Bidding 7/27 Tue 4 pm
Cooking: Air Fryer
Learn to put a new spin on meals with an air fryer. Receive recipe and instructor’s tips prior to class then watch the demo via Zoom.
1 - 1 ½ hr. class - $10 / $11 nonresidents
13398 Virtual Program 8/25 Wed 5:30 pm
NEW! Cooking: The MIND Diet
MIND (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) is a compilation of both the Mediterranean and DASH diets that focuses on brain health. Cooking booklet and some ingredients/supplies included for pick up from the Roeland Park
Community Center day of class.
1 - 2 hr. class - $37 / $41 nonresidents
9546 Virtual Program 7/14 Wed 2 pm
Crafts: Craft Savvy - Jewelry Tower
Create a jewelry tower from decoupaged plates for your nightstand or vanity with easy to follow instructions. Supplies available for pick up at Meadowbrook Park Clubhouse prior to class.
1 - 1 hr. session - $15 / $17 nonresidents
9506 Virtual Program 8/18 Wed 1:30 pm
Games: Intro to Mah Jongg
Learn the basics of this classic tabletop game from an experienced instructor. Players receive a current Mah Jongg card to take home.
4 - 2 hr. sessions - $42 / $46 nonresidents
13669 RPCC 8/4 Wed 1 pm
Games: Best Times Bingo
Food, prizes, fun, and 12 games of bingo. Variety of prizes awarded including gift certificates. Register at least one week in advance by calling (913) 831-3359.
1 - 2 hr. session - $5 / $6 nonresidents, must register in advance, no walk-up registrations at this time; cost of admission covers food and staff time to administer the bingo program. No additional charge for bingo.
13668 RPCC 8/26 Thu 1:30 pm
Games: Learn to Play…
A beginner’s guide to what’s sure to be your new favorite games. Handouts provided. Check out our drop-in groups after your lesson.
1 - 2 hr. session - $6 / $7 nonresidents
9798 MRCC Pinochle 7/26 Mon 9:30 am
9797 MRCC Cribbage 8/16 Mon 9:30 am
Reading: Wanderlust Virtual Book Club
Each month enjoy the selected book from the list and conclude the month in a virtual group discussion about the read, how it relates to your travel, and how it may inspire your wanderlust. July’s book is “In a Sunburned Country” while August’s is “Travels with Charley.”
2 - 1 hr. classes - $5/ $6 nonresidents
9227 Virtual Program 7/29 Thu 1:30 pm 8/31 Tue 1:30 pm
NEW! Special Interest: Gardening - Introduction to Native Plants
Take a tour of the native plant beds at Meadowbrook Park, with landscape specialist, Kristina Keehn, to learn how to use and where to buy for your own garden.
1 - 1 hr. session - $8 / $9 nonresidents
9595 MBPC 7/16 Fri 10 am
NEW! Special Interest: Lunch & Learn -
A Collector’s Guide to The Wizard of Oz®
Jane Albright, president of the International Wizard of Oz Club, shares favorite memories and objects from a lifetime pursuit of Oz. In addition to speaking frequently about Oz, Jane has loaned Oz material to more than three dozen public exhibitions.
1 - 2 hr. session - $20 / $22 nonresidents (includes lunch).
This program is paired with Follow the Yellow Brick Road day trip on Aug. 11. Call (913) 831-3359 for more information and to register.
13763 MBPC 7/7 W 11:30 am
Increase your knowledge and proficiency in this fast-moving tech world. Courses on Facebook and Zoom, as well as, the best ways to keep your information safe with passwords, taking great photos, or how to sell your stuff online are all available.
1 - 2 hr. class - $20 / $22 nonresidents
9615 Virtual Program Password Protect 7/1 Thu 10 am
9888 MBPC Social Apps 7/6 Tue 1 pm
9614 RPCC Password Protect 7/29 Thu 10 am
9596 MBPC Online Safety 8/10 Tue 1 pm
9800 MRCC Instagram 8/12 Thu 10 am
9619 Virtual Program Sell Online 8/17 Tue 6 pm
1 - 1 hr. class - $10 / $11 nonresidents
9553 RPCC Zoom 7/29 Thu 1 pm
Technology: One-on-One Computer or Cell Phone Tutoring
Get specific training and questions answered by our patient and knowledgeable instructor. Appointments available on Tuesday or Thursday by calling (913) 826-3160. Program fee nonrefundable.
1 - 2 hr. class - $60 / $66 nonresidents RPCC By Appt.
Technology: Smartphone Workshops
Is your smartphone smarter than you? Learn the basic fundamentals of your device through these helpful workshops. Purchase individually or take them all!
1 - 1 ½ hr. session - $17 / $19 nonresidents iPhone®
9807 MRCC Contacts & Calling 7/13 Tue 10 am
9808 MRCC Settings & Alerts 7/20 Tue 10 am
9809 MRCC Text & Email 7/27 Tue 10 am
9810 MRCC All About Apps 8/3 Tue 10 am
Fine & Performing Arts
Art: Painter’s Palette or Watercolor
Learn techniques, styles and tips with individual instruction and peer assistance provided across two types of classes. Classes are on-going, start at any time. Punch cards expire three months from date of purchase.
5 Punch Art Card - $55 / $61 nonresidents
10 Punch Art Card - $107 / $118 nonresidents
Painter’s Palette (pastel, watercolor, acrylic, or oil)
TRCC 7/12-8/30 Mon 9:30 am
MRCC 7/1-8/26 Thu 1:30 pm
TRCC 7/2-8/27 Fri 9:30 am
MRCC 7/6-8/31 Tue 1:30 pm
Art: Plein Air
Explore the beauty of the outdoors at Antioch Park and learn how to translate it to paper or canvas by painting outdoors. Learn color mixing, light representation, and more.
6 - 2 ½ hr. sessions - $65 / $72 nonresidents
9812 Antioch Park 8/4 Wed 9 am
Art: Woodcarving - Drop-In
Join fellow carvers as you work on individual projects and share ideas with others in this drop-in session. No instructor present, but plenty of carvers are willing to help.
18 - 2 ½ hr. sessions - $3 pay at the door
TRCC 7/6-8/31 Tue 9 am
Dance: Tap Dance
Learn basic tap fundamentals such as the Waltz, Clog, and Rhythm Time Steps. Hard-soled or tap dance shoes required. No previous tap dance necessary for beginners. As skills are
gained, test out and move on to Intermediate or Advanced classes. No class 9/6.
8 - 50 min. sessions - $61 / $67 nonresidents
9816 MRCC Intermediate 8/16 Mon 2 pm
10153 MRCC Advanced 8/16 Mon 3 pm
9814 MRCC Beginner 8/17 Tue 2 pm
Fitness & Health
Exercise: AEA Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program (AFEP)
This recreational chair-based exercise class includes range of motion exercises suitable for every fitness level and ability. No class 7/5.
1 - 45 min. workout - $3 pay at the door
Merriam Community Center M,W 10 am
Spring Hill Civic Center T,Th 1 pm
New Century Fieldhouse W,F 10:15 am
Meadowbrook Park Clubhouse Wed 1 pm
Matt Ross Community Center Fri 10:45 am
Exercise: Chair Yoga
Take yoga off the mat and onto the chair, incorporating breathing with movement while retaining all the benefits of yoga. Use chair for support if needed during standing poses.
6 - 50 min. sessions - $36 / $40 nonresidents
9702 Virtual Program 8/3 Tue 9:30 am
6 - 50 min. sessions - $47 / $52 nonresidents
9605 MBPC 8/3 Tue 10:30 am
9607 MBPC 8/5 Thu 10:30 am
Exercise: Tai Chi
Tai Chi offers a slow and gentle exercise with benefits in endurance, flexibility, and muscle strengthening.
4 - 50 min. sessions - $36 / $40 nonresidents
9865 RPCC 7/22 Thu 5 pm
Exercise: Tai Chi for Arthritis and Fall Prevention
Safe and easy to learn for those with arthritis or just starting a wellness routine. Through practice, improve muscular strength, flexibility, and fitness. No class 7/5.
1 - 45 min. workout - $3 pay at the door
Meadowbrook Park Clubhouse (Int) Mon 1 pm
Meadowbrook Park Clubhouse (Beg) Mon 2 pm
Exercise: Virtual Strength and Stretching
A stretching and strengthening class designed to increase strength and range of motion helping with activities of daily living.
6 - 50 min. sessions - $36 / $40 nonresidents
9705 Virtual Program 8/5 Thu 11:30 am
Yoga: Hatha (Gentle) Yoga Punch Card
(Ages 18 & Older)
Strengthen your body, calm your mind and improve your flexibility and balance. Ongoing, start at any time. Five and ten punch cards expire three months after date of sale; 20 punch
cards expire four months after date of sale.
5 Punch Card - $45 / $50 nonresidents
10 Punch Card - $90 / $99 nonresidents
20 Punch Card - $180 / $198 nonresidents
RPCC M,Th 4 pm
Zumba: Zumba Gold
Perfect for active older adults who are looking for a modified Zumba class. Easy-to-follow choreography focuses on balance, range of motion, coordination, and fun!
5 - 50 min. sessions - $39 / $43 nonresidents
10242 RPCC 7/28 Wed 6:30 pm
Special Events
Games: Anniversary Special - Gameshows of the 80’s (50!)
Join in on this silly rendition of television game shows. Everyone gets a chance to play and win prizes. Refreshments served. Register in advance, space is limited. This program is part of our
year-long 50th anniversary celebration for 50 Plus.
1 - 1 ½ hr. event - $15 / $17 nonresidents
9627 RPCC 8/19 Thu 1:30 pm
Pickleball: Drop-in Play
Join fellow pickleball enthusiasts for play and practice! Times and days are subject to change due to indoor court availability. Equipment available.
$3 per person per day
TRCC 7/6 - 8/31 M,T,Th,F Times vary
MRCC 7/7 - 8/25 Wed Noon - 4 pm
10 Punch Card - $35 or 20 Punch Card - $70
Or Drop-in Fee: $4 per person per day
NCF 7/1 - 8/31 T,W,Th 9 am - 1 pm
Pickleball: 7th Annual Regional Tournament
(Ages 35 & Older)
Friday fun includes dinner and practice space. Tournament play on Saturday and Sunday. Fee covers gender and mixed play, Friday dinner, hospitality room, and souvenir. Register by visiting Tournament will fill quickly.
1 - 3 day tournament - $46 early bird registration; $51 after 7/2
9781 NCF 8/27 Fri,Sat,Sun Time Varies
Regional Trip: Christmas in Tennessee, Nov. 29 - Dec. 5, 2021 - 7 days, 10 Meals
Travel by luxury motorcoach to take in the beauty of the Smoky Mountains along with their friendly atmosphere and authentic Southern charm. Explore the best holiday shows
and sights Pigeon Forge and Nashville have to offer this season. Highlights include Dollywood, Smoky Mountain Opry Theater Show, Ole Smoky Tennessee Moonshine Tour
and Tasting, Hatfield & McCoy Dinner Feud Show, Grand Ole Opry Show, ICE Sculpture Exhibit, Brightest Star Fountain Show. Registration deadline: July 30, 2021
$2520 per person, double occupancy $3050 per person, single occupancy
For more information about 50 Plus extended travel opportunities, full itinerary brochures and pricing of the trips listed below call (913) 826-2975. All prices include airfare.
Or visit
Extended Trip: Santa Fe Holiday, Dec. 5-10, 2021 - 5 Days, 5 Meals
Space still available, call for pricing
Extended Trip: Spotlight on New York City Holiday, Dec. 13-17, 2021 - 5 Days, 5 Meals
Registration deadline: July 13, 2021.
$2998 per person, double occupancy
$3748 per person, single occupancy
Extended Trip: Italian Vistas, March 5-17, 2022 - 13 Days, 17 Meals
Registration deadline: Sept. 6, 2021.
$3998 per person, double occupancy
$4798 per person, single occupancy
Extended Trip: Alpine Explorer & the Glacier Express Train with Oberammergau Passion Play, May 10-21, 2022, 12 days, 18 Meals
Space still available, call for pricing
Extended Trip: Western Canada’s Rockies, Lakes & Wine Country, June 4-12, 2022, 9 days, 13 Meals
Registration Deadline: Dec. 4, 2021
Double: $3,949
Single: $4,949
Extended Trip: Painted Canyons of the West, July 17-25, 2022, 9 days, 11 Meals
Registration Deadline: Jan. 17, 2022
Double: $3,599
Single: $4,599
July & August Special Events For All Ages
Visit for details and registration information.
Rodger’s & Hammerstein’s “Cinderella”
July 2-3 & 7-10, Theatre in the Park
S’mores Family Geocaching
July 9, Shawnee Mission Park
Shawnee Mission Triathlon & Duathlon
July 11, Shawnee Mission Park
“Half Time - Gotta Dance”
July 16-18 & 21-24, Theatre in the Park
Disney’s “Newsies”
July 30-Aug. 1 & Aug, 4-7, Theatre in the Park
Evening in the Park
Aug. 8, Theatre in the Park
Kill Creek Park Triathlon
Aug. 14, Kill Creek Park
JCPRD Kids Triathlon
Aug. 21, Kill Creek Park
Program Locations
Antioch Park
6501 Antioch Rd., Merriam
(EMNC) Ernie Miller Park & Nature Center
909 N. K-7 Highway, Olathe
Johnson County Museum
8788 Metcalf Ave., Overland Park
Kill Creek Park
11670 Homestead Lane, Olathe
(MRCC) Matt Ross Community Center
8101 Marty St., Overland Park
(MBPC) Meadowbrook Park & Clubhouse
9101 Nall Ave., Prairie Village
Merriam Community Center
6040 Slater St., Merriam
(NCF) New Century Fieldhouse
551 New Century Parkway, New Century
(RPCC) Roeland Park Community Center
4850 Rosewood Dr., Roeland Park
Spring Hill Civic Center
401 N. Madison St., Spring Hill
Theatre in the Park
7710 Renner Road, Shawnee
(THGC) Tomahawk Hills Golf Course
17501 Midland Dr., Shawnee
(TRCC) Tomahawk Ridge Community Center
11902 Lowell, Overland Park
Below are additional programs of interest to 50 Plus participants
NEW! Charity Event: Gary L. Haller Memorial Golf Tournament
The Parks & Recreation Foundation of Johnson County presents this first-ever tournament to celebrate the former JCPRD executive director who was instrumental in impacting the quality of
life in Johnson County. Following the tournament, there will be an awards ceremony and catered banquet. Fee includes a light lunch, cart, green fees, swag bag, prizes, and banquet.
1 - 4 hr. event - Individuals $100, Team of four $400, sponsorships available. Call (913) 831-3359 to register.
13403 Tomahawk Hills Golf Course Fri 8/20 Noon
Family Fun: Evening in the Park (All Ages)
Join us for a laid-back party in the park as we say “thank you” for your support of JCPRD. Enjoy two hours of old timey, feel good, foot-stomping music from the Short Round Stringband and The
Matchsellers. Then, settle in to watch “O Brother, Where Art Thou”. Food, wine & beer will be available for purchase. Visit for details.
1 - 4 hr. program - FREE
Theatre in the Park Sun 8/8 6 pm
Museum: Virtual Program - Mid-Century
Times that Made Paul McCobb
Professor Peggy L. Honey of K-State’s Dept. of Interior Design and Fashion Studies speaks about Mid-Century Modern design and places the “Paul McCobb” exhibit in context.
1 - 1 hr. program - FREE virtual program. Must register to receive program link. Call (913) 831-3359 to register.
9654 Virtual Program Thu 7/15 6 pm
Museum: Virtual Program - Modernism in the Suburbs
Join KC Modern members as they present the history of Mid-Century Modern architecture in the Postwar boom era in Johnson County. Program complements the “Paul McCobb: America’s Designer” exhibition.
1 - 1 hr. program - FREE virtual program. Must register to receive program link. Call (913) 831-3359 to register.
9655 Virtual Program Thu 8/19 6 pm
Nature Programs: Friday Amphitheater Programs at Ernie Miller Park (All Ages)
Bring the family to the new outdoor amphitheater at Ernie Miller Park this summer for entertainment and educational experiences. For more information, call (913) 826-2800. In case of inclement weather, including extreme heat, program will be held indoors.
1 - 45 min. program - $3.50 per person. Advanced Registration Required. Children age two and under are free but must register for a spot.
9643 Wildlife Webs Fri 7/9 7 pm
9644 Good, Bad, Smelly Fri 7/16 7 pm
9645 Snakes Alive Fri 7/23 7 pm
9646 Down by the Pond Fri 7/30 7 pm
Triathlon: Kill Creek Park Triathlon (Ages 15 & Older)
The perfect race for both the new and experienced triathlete and a great race to cap off your season. Complete details available at If you are interested in volunteering
for this event or need additional information, please call Katy at (913) 826-2964.
1 - 4 hr. event - Fees vary
8920 Kill Creek Park Sat 8/14 7:30 am
Visit or call (913) 831-3359 for information and/or to register