Office helps KanCare applicants

If you have questions or need help with your KanCare Medicaid application or services, the KanCare Ombudsman Office has a dedicated team of problem-solvers, whose mission is to help KanCare applicants and members.
Team members provide free information, assistance, resources and problem- solving services for all KanCare applicants and members. They also offer many valuable, informative resources online.
The KanCare Ombudsman Office can help with:
- Answering questions and resolving issues
- Understanding letters from KanCare
- Responding when you disagree with a decision or change
- Completing an application or renewal
- Filing a complaint (grievance), appeal or fair hearing
- Learning about Home and Community Based Services
The new KanCare applications are available on the KanCare website for applicants to download and complete at their convenience.
The Ombudsman Office also has several helpful fact sheets about KanCare programs and eligibility requirements, as well as helpful guides for organizations to call, places to go to get help with an application, and Community Resource guides for each Kansas county.
To get in touch with the KanCare Ombudsman office, call 1-800-643-8180, email, or visit