Board Chairman

Mike Kelly

Portrait of Chairman Mike Kelly standing in front of a flag

Chairman Mike Kelly

Contact Chairman Kelly

Term Information

  • Term expires 2027
  • First term as commissioner for chairman, 2023 to present

Board/Committee Assignments as County Chairman


Under the auspices of the Home Rule Charter, the chairman is elected by popular ballot to a four-year term of office, thereby assuming the position of highest authority in Johnson County Government as its chief elected official.

As the chief elected official, the chairman represents the entire community. Functioning in a capacity similar to that of a city mayor, the chairman is thus responsible for ensuring that all laws, policies and regulations applicable to the operation of Johnson County Government are faithfully enforced and for providing leadership in the development of a future vision for the Johnson County community. The chairman serves as a focal point for the articulation and resolution of important community issues and he communicates the community's priorities at local, regional, state and national levels.

The chairman’s duties can be divided into three broad categories, which are listed below.

  • Presiding officer of the governing body: With the gavel in hand, the chairman presides over the proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners, preserving order and, more importantly, ensuring that the majority is able to transact the business of the county government while at the same time protecting the right of the minority to be heard. It is in this capacity that the chairman serves primus inter pares, or "first among equals," in a collection of dynamic elected leaders.
  • Chief elected official and administrative oversight: As chief elected official, the chairman collaborates with community leaders and stakeholders to identify, prioritize and develop policy proposals aimed at enhancing and improving the quality of life enjoyed by Johnson Countians. The chairman, being elected to represent the entire community, is thus responsible for the general activity of the county government and the effectiveness of its operations.
  • Ambassador of Johnson County Government: The chairman is the official representative of the Johnson County government, serving in a dual role as the organization’s principle spokesperson and as a public advocate.